Monday, March 23, 2020
Impact of Festivals on Environment Essay Example
Impact of Festivals on Environment Paper India is a land where the life of its people is beautified with festivals. Festival is celebration of the changing seasons, harvest, reconciliation and the birth anniversaries of saints, gurus and prophets and honors the gods and goddesses. History of festivals Epigraphically evidences prove that festivals have been celebrated in India since Bedtimes. The Aryans conquered India around 1500 B. C. And cultural integration with teetotal population took place. Religious F-activates A large number of festivals being celebrated in India have a religious outlook. Thessalonians are being celebrated in commemoration of some saints, gurus and prophets, teethes and goddesses or events celebrating their victories. Temple Festivals NO festival in India is complete without a feast, and the Hindu temple provides fastening the temple festivals. The attendees spend all day at the temple, meaninglessness’s Fairs or Meals Meals or Fairs are extremely popular not just in India but all over the world. Meal seer. ‘sea very important role as most of the festivals are celebrated in individual homes. Melanomas are normally celebrated for a week to over a onto help to bring the cinematographer and share greetings. National Festivals Independence Day, August 15, commemorates the day in 1947 when India achievements from British rule. The day is celebrated to commemorate the birth of the world ;s biggest democracy as a national festival. Regional India presents a cultural potpourri of number of religions with their festivals interrelations but the four major religions followed in India are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Schism in the descending order. There are a number of rationalizations that are celebrated in particular areas only New Year Basilisk or Visalia is the first day of the month of Visalia, the beginning of teething year in some parts of the country. For the Sikhs in Punjab and other parts afterthought, this day has a particular significance, as it was on this day in 1 699 that Grounding Sings founded the Salsa. Here are few festivals with their impact on environment GANGES CATHARTIC Rebirth of Lord Ganges. Company Tidal – The Founder Of Ganges Festival Serves as a meeting ground for people. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Festivals on Environment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Festivals on Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Festivals on Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Contamination Of Water bodies. Noise pollution – An unfortunate outcome of this joyous festival elution due to dumping of ‘Normally’. DALAI To celebrate return of Ram Sits. Signifies the end of darkness . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF DALAI Air Pollution through Firecrackers Excessive Consumerism. High Energy Consumption. HOLD The symbol of victory oppressiveness. To celebrate the arrival of Spring. Reflection of the various colors spring season. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS ABOUT HOLD The use of toxic chemical colors. The use of wood for burning Hold fires. The wasteful use of water during Hold. NAG PENCHANT . Soil Celebrates the victory of Lord Krishna over the mythical Kalmia. Worship of Snakes. To express Gratitude towards snakes. IMPACTS Hunting of snakes. Torture to snakes. Unnecessary feeding of milk. Impact of Festivals on Environment Festivals are becoming significant contributors to air pollution in India. We have so manifestation and increasing centralization – a growing economy is turning overcorrection into grand occasions to splurge. Are we aware of what this is doing to our environment? Here’s a look at how all those festivities affect the air quality. Air pollution levels in big cities are appalling at the best of times and are a carcinogenic for concern. The Resalable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSVP) – dust, fumes,smoke, and gases – is way above permissible limits in many of our big cities. This levels a quantum jump during festivals, the main culprits being crackers, unpredictability’s, and artificial colors. Pollution due to festivals Air Pollution due to smoke of crackers. Water Pollution due to emerging statues of God and Goddess made of artificial synthetic harmful chemicals into rivers,ponds and dams. Noise Pollution due to loudness of music system. Water Pollution The practice of immersion of Ganges idols after the Ganges festival invasions ties is causing severe water pollution which leads to the death of tones of fishing many aquatic creatures. Gone are the days when the idols are made with clay,nowadays idols are made with Plaster Of Paris and chemical dyes. The repeated cautions and warnings of ecologists and environmental scientists towards possible hazards inflicted by the Plaster Of Paris are falling into the deaf ears of Othello makers and buyers. According to scientists, Plaster Of Paris does not get dissolved or disintegrated fast. Moreover, the chemical dyes and colors being used to color the dilatation poisonous elements. Particularly, Red, Blue, Orange and Green colors countermeasure, Zinc oxide, Chromium and Lead, the potential causes of developing cancer According to one estimate, 7500 idols of Ganges are weighing about 20,000 keg or another words, 20 tons. The sea-shore of Iambi absorbs the immersion of about 1. 5 alkaloids every year. The very calculation of the accumulation of clay, Plaster Of Paris,dangerous Chemicals from the paints and colors will shatter the thinking faculty of any brain. The immersion of Durra Statutes during the Durra poops is also a cause of concern for environmentalists. In Arioso alone 5,000 Durra poops idols are made, most of them using harmful paints. Heavy metals like lead and chrome are not easily assimilated in an aquatic environmental can lead to the massive hurt of flora and fauna of the river, pond, lake and coastlines. As the same river, pond and lake water is used for bathing and drinking purposeless levels of lead can damage the heart, kidneys, liver, circulatory system and contemporaneous system, the environmentalist warned. Impact of air pollution on health Air pollution can lead to lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic cooperativeness’s, and allergies in adults. It can also cause acute respiratory infections in children-suspended particulate matter can cause asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory distressful dioxide can damage lungs and lead to lung disorders like wheezing and shortness breath. Oxides of Nitrogen can cause skin problems, eye irritation, and cause respiratory problems in children. Chemicals used in crackers like lead, magnesium, cadmium, nitrate, sodium, and otherness have various harmful effects. Noise Pollution Loudspeakers, fire crackers and loud musical instruments, appear to be one f the biggest culprits of noise pollution during festivals in our country. With the advent of arbitration, people in the metros had to grapple with the problem of noise pollution in everyday living, and any kind of public celebration only aggravates this lurking issue. A study by World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that noise pollution is not only a nuisance to the environment but it also poses considerable threat to public health. In residential neighborhoods, the Supreme Court limits the noise levels to 55 decibels in the day and 45 decibels at night. The local authorities are here to maintain decorum during festivals but we as citizens should also be responsible enough to keep noise within permissible limits. Time and again people have violated these levels during Sanitarium, Ganges Cathartic, Durra Pupas, Navigator, Dasher, Dalai and the list goes on. Despite being worldly-wise, we ignore the health impacts of incessant exposure to such high-decibel sounds. Besides affecting toddlers and children, they bring health issues in adults like hypertension, sleep disturbance, tinnitus and acute hearing loss. Against celebrations shortly followed by Durra Pupas this year saw immersion areas littered with flowers and parts of idols. The mess created by bursting of crackers cannot be ignored as well. The materials such as plaster of Paris used in making idols add to the water pollution. Paints used for decorating the idols, loaded with high levels of mercury and lead, increases the toxin levels of water bodies after immersion days. These toxins eventually enter the food chain after affecting the marine ecosystem and its biodiversity. The highly contaminated Gang is now saturated with litter of paint, bulks of plaster of Paris, toxic synthetic materials and non-biodegradable wastes like elastic flowers, plunged into the holy river. Every year, in the aftermath of Against celebrations, newspapers publish images of Georgia Psychopath and other immersion areas littered with huge parts of idols. The main culprit is, of course, the plaster of Paris (POP) that is used to make majority of the idols. Pop takes several months to completely dissolve. Also, the paints used for coloring and decorating the idols contain high levels of mercury and lead, which adds to the pollution. The Maharajah’s Pollution Control Board (MICE) has found sign efficiently higher levels of toxins in water bodies after immersion says. These pose a great danger to the marine ecosystem and its biodiversity. These toxins also eventually enter the food chain. Air Pollution Apart from releasing toxic gases, bursting of crackers also leads to pollution of air. Dalai, every year leads to an alarming rise in the level of Resalable Suspended Particulate Material (RSVP) in the air, due to bursting of fire crackers. RSVP are minute particles and can contribute to various health issues including asthma and bronchitis. On the Against immersion days in 201 2, the MICE found an alarming rise in the level of resalable suspended articulate material (RSVP) across Iambi and in other cities in the state. RSVP are suspended particles in the air due to bursting of fire crackers and large number of heavy vehicles plying on the roads taking idols for immersion. Since RSVP are small enough to be breathed in, they can contribute to various health issues such as asthma, bronchitis and reduced lung function. These are chronic ailments and persist long after the direct source of pollution is removed. Dry Waste Festivals also generate a humongous amount of dry waste. With firecrackers being the main ingredient to Dalai celebrations, the problem of dry waste increases by leaps and bounds due to lack of dumping space and other neglected constraints. Dalai being round the corner, local government bodies should take a meticulous approach towards guidance notes for municipal solid waste disposal. Garbage that can easily be recycled or reused also ends up in mounting landfills. And heaps of garbage including fruits, flowers, incenses and camphor coming out of pupas vandals cannot be ignored either. Relentless social activism is essential to educate people to switch to CEO-friendly methods of celebration. In several parts of the country, refasten have started using CEO-friendly materials and organic paints to make idols. For instance, the idol makers in Kumara, the nerve centre of idol makers in Kola, took steps this year to check toxic Waste levels by using paints devoid of lead, mercury and chromium to embellish the idols. Clay idols instead of the POP ones are also getting their share of popularity. Spreading the message of civic sense this Dalai might help to curb or at least limit the pollution levels. We must get our social act together before blaming it on local administrators and civic amenities. Today one can easily find sustainable ways of adding to the glory of the festivals and we as ‘law abiding citizens’ should also take initiatives to cooperate with the government. If you have better ways of protecting the environment and saving our Mother Earth, you are most welcome to go ahead and spread the message. There are several ways to do so and Google will definitely come to your rescue. My Opinion about festivals of India Our country India is a very big country and every day of a year is a festival and it can baccalaureate here with greatly and happiness. India a country Where Everyday Is A Celebration. †Every festival takes an important part in the life of different peoples from differentiation’s of India. There are many festivals can be celebrated on different religiousness’s. Indian Festivals are celebrated across the world because the Indian people reverberate in the world. Some of them are doing jobs abroad or some of them are good big businessmen But no one can left Indian culture and festival celebrating. Festivals colors our life in anew way. Every festival In India have different colors, prayers, sweets and Old inequalities Many types Of festivals are celebrated here in India like national, regional, local, religious seasonal festivals. In every months many festival comes and fill colors in our lives CONCLUSION We should contribute equally towards society for controlling pollution. Lets make festivals more joyful meaningful in CEO- friendly manner. Use of natural clay idols . Immersion of idols in a bucket or artificial tank of water. Deposit all the floral offerings into Normally pots. Celebrate the Ganges Procession in traditional way. Lighting lamps the green way.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Religious Themes Relating To Notions Of Deity
The Religious Themes Relating To Notions Of Deity The theme of this paper is to establish the main religious themes in chapter eleven of the book of Bhagavad-Gita. The first main religious theme in the chapter is the recommended acts of commitment towards deity. When it comes to devotion towards deity, one can express their commitment to Christianity through many means. Through meditation and sacrifice, an individual will be in a position to express devotion to God.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religious Themes Relating To Notions Of Deity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sacrifice means the amount of material things individuals deny themselves for the sake of others or gods. Sacrifice entails offerings given to gods, which will be acceptable in the eyes of Krishna. The offerings vary from plantation products to animals, and their significance is similar. It signifies an individual’s act of devotion. Sacrifice is a universal act that most people use to show their commitment to their religion even in the current times. It can be the earnings of people, harvests, profits, time, labor, and many other ways. Through sacrifice, human beings create a personal relationship with their gods, and this does not have to be necessarily through Krishna. The article elaborates that Krishna is contented when the worshippers offer sacrifices to their gods, as eventually it will be to him as the greatest god of all. As worshippers, we can, therefore, express commitment to religion and God by offering sacrifices now and then as this will bring us closer to God (Hiltebeitel, 1989, p. 72). Another notable act that expresses commitment to deity is meditation. In the article, meditation on Krishna is an indispensable means of expressing devotion to deity and is encouraged to all worshippers. The process of meditation is majorly a self-evaluation process and according to the author should be done while having Krishna in mind. As much as meditation is an individual act, it is notable that the self-evaluation should be in line with Krishna. The main teaching here is that meditation should give individuals a chance to evaluate themselves whether they are in line with God’s ways (Sharpe, 2008, p. 61). Another notable religious theme in the article is the universal form of God. In chapter eleven, we read about the way in which Krishna reveals Him as a universal being. In the article, Krishna reveals his universal form to Arjuna, and this is a clear indication to any believer that God is a universal being who can be found in every corner and form.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In most instances, we see Krishna pervading the whole universe and in so doing managing to be a universal being (Neil, 1986, p. 62). In religion, we can tell the difference between God and human beings from the aspect of God being a univer sal being. This means that God can be everywhere and in whatever form we can think of, unlike human beings. In connection with the above ideas of commitment, the universal form of God enables human beings to meditate as this helps them to understand the observable things in regards to the most high-God (Flood, 2003, p. 52). The aspect of universal nature of God is not only limited to space but to also time in that God will be an ever present being. Since time immemorial human beings come and go, but God has and will be around forever and hence the strong faith humans have in God. It is easier, for worshippers believe in God and his teachings because of the ideology of Him being around forever. This is evident in the article as Arjuna has a vision of the passing of time, and in it, there is Krishna. This means that, in poor and treasured times, the Lord God will be present whether it is now or in thousand years to come. In the ideology of divinity, the presence of acts of commitments and the universal being of God are relevant in building the faith of any worshipper of the given religion (Lepard, 2005, p. 23). Lastly, the Bhagavad Gita also explores the suspect of faith in Christians. Most people will want to get into a religion because of what the Lord has done for others in the religion. In the article, it is evident that this should not be the case because the wors of God need not be questioned. Having faith in God does require evidence from the other believers and as a Christian, one need to have strong faith even without evidence. This is a major teaching to all religious people as the main foundation of religion is the believer’s faith. To have faith, calls for constant prayer to God to enable one to have faith, through good and bad times, and stay strong in God’s teachings. In the article, we notice Arjuna having less faith in the gods and Krishna. This made him to always be in doubt and asking for proof of the existence of gods. This shoul d not be the case for any believer and the teaching encourages the believers to believe even in what they cannot see. The religious teaching in this article is that as believers we need to have faith in God’s works and people even if there is no visible evidence of His existence.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religious Themes Relating To Notions Of Deity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Flood, G 2003, The Blackwell companion to Hinduism, New York: John Wiley Sons. Hiltebeitel, A 1989, Criminal gods and demon devotees: essays on the guardians of popular Hinduism, New York: Suny Press. Lepard, B 2005, Hope for a Global Ethic: Shared Principles in Religious Scriptures, New York: Bahai Publishing Trust. Neil, R 1986, Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita, New York: SUNY Press. Sharpe, E 2008, The universal GÄ «tÄ : Western images of the BhagavadgÄ «tÄ : a bicentenary survey, Virginia: University of Virginia.
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