Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Role of the Police in Society Research Paper
The Role of the Police in Society - Research Paper Example is such that it undertakes all these tasks and many more so that the people at large are not unduly made to suffer and be on the receiving end at any moment in time (Garland, 2011). Proper understanding of the role of the police has made the people of America know that it exists to satisfy their concerns and to make sure that the relevant authorities are doing their jobs in a proper and adequate way. What is even more important is the fact that the role of the police has been expounded upon by these very authorities on a consistent basis so that the people know beforehand what to expect of them, and how these shall provide value for the sake of the community members. This discussion will now focus on the different styles of policing which are in use. These include the three different styles, namely the watchman, the legalistic and the service perspectives. Since the work of the police is broad in the basic sense of the word, and they have limited resources available at their disposal , the role of the police administrators and authorities are geared to develop certain policies which are there to prioritize and emphasize upon these activities and tasks in essence. The watchman style of policing focuses upon the maintenance of order which is found in different communities which have a declining industrial basis as well as a blue-collar and mixed population based on ethnicity and race (Mackenzie, 2011). This watchman form of policing is less proactive than the other two styles where one can see that certain offenses are overlooked when it comes to a mix of legal, cultural and social grounds. This is so done so as to make sure that the public order element is under wraps and that there are no predicaments in the light of the same. The charges of discrimination are a direct... This paper approves that the values of a community might just get affected by the style and role of policing for the sake of that community. This is because if a community is looking forward to receiving a service form of policing, then the service style is suited for its own needs. However if there are a large number of arrests due to law and order issues, then the aspect of legalistic policing might just do the trick. This is important to ascertain what kind of policing would in essence play the bridge between the people and the police authorities at the end of the day. Once such understandings are reached upon, then only can one devise the ways and means through which policing can be studied and its different styles are implemented and executed in the most literal sense. It is also possible that all three styles of policing – watchman, legalistic and service are being used in combination with one another. Police works to good effect to service the people against the intrude rs entering into the community. This report makes a conclusion that the role of policing is such that it brings wellness and serenity within the society. In order to be termed as a success within the community domains, it is imperative to think of policing in the light that it should be serviced for the sake of the people at large. All said and done, policing is any society of the world is indeed one of the most important elements and should be given due priority as it sets things right no matter how tough the circumstances are.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Language Literacy and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Language Literacy and Learning - Essay Example There are various factors that are in a position to help children develop their literacy levels. Literacy is the ability of these children to read and write without much difficulty. These practitioners deal with young children of early years in schools. The practitioners should be in a position to develop long lasting partnerships or relationships with the parents and in a multi agency context (Adekola 2007). One of the roles of the practitioner is to enhance effective interpersonal communication between him and the parents. This is because being made responsible for working in nursery schools involves one taking care of children up to a possible age of five years. The progress the children make in their early school years need to be monitored. For this to happen, then the teacher and the parents have to keep track of the kids. Young children are capable of having difficulties at the initial stages in school. This is because they had not been used to too much load. Learning to gain the required literacy levels can sometimes prove to be a tall order for them especially the young ones not interested in learning at all (Siraj 2000). Thus, the practitioner and the parents have to communicate often on the progress of the children in the nursery school. Therefore, any problem that may arise is detected early and settled. The practitioner should also ensure that there is a conversation between the parents and their children. Parents should create time for their children and not be too busy for them. If parents ensure a communication with their children, then they are able to learn a lot from those conversations. It is evident that children that are known to be sociable communicators will drive their own learning. They will be so eager for their parents to get back from work and explain to them what they have learnt in nursery school that day
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Difficult Obstacle In Learning English English Language Essay
Difficult Obstacle In Learning English English Language Essay Vocabulary is the most difficult obstacle in learning English. However, English word formation is an effective way to learn English, because it can help us to correctly identify the word form, part of speech, and to understand the meaning of the word, and to rapidly expand our vocabulary. Among them, affixation is the strongest one, and it forms the largest number of words, and it is considered to be one of the best ways to learn English. Besides, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, acronymy, back-formation are also the efficient ways of learning English. In the paper, the ways and characteristics of word formation are analyzed in affixation, compounding and conversion. Keywords: English word formation, affixation, compounding, conversion 1. Introduction Learning a language must to learn the speech, grammar and vocabulary. In these three elements, vocabulary occupies a pivotal position. Well-known scholar Wilkins said, without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. Vocabulary scientist McCarthy said more simply, no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully he masters the sounds of a L2, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in that language cannot happen in any meaningful way. So many teachers and students pay a lot attention to the vocabulary learning. And the expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. Talking about word-forming patterns means dealing with rules. But not all words which are produced by applying the rule are acceptable. The acceptability is gained only when the words have gain ed an institutional currency in the language. Therefore, rules only provide a constant set of models from which new words are created from day to day. Rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For instance, affixes and compounding processes may become productive at one time or lose their productivity. By word formation processes, we concentrate on productive or on productive rules. While applying the rules, we should keep in mind that there are always exceptions. Then I will analyze the ways and characteristics of word formation in affixation, compounding and conversion. 2. Affixation Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words are derived from old or base forms. The words that are created in this way are called derivatives. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation. Prefixation is a way of forming new words by adding prefixes to stems. Usually, prefixes do not change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning. Prefixes can be divided, based on their meanings, into: negative prefixes, reversative prefixes, pejorative prefixes, prefixes of degree or size, prefixes of orientation and attitude, locative prefixes, prefixes of time and order, number prefixes, conversion prefixes, miscellaneous prefixes. For instance, negative prefixes include: 1) a-, apolitical, asexual, atypical; 2) dis-, disobey, discredit, disloyal; 3) in-, il-, ir-, im-, inaudible, illegitimate, irresistible, improbable; 4) non-, non-classical, non-smoker, non-violence; 5) un-, undemocratic, unwillingly, unbuilt. Suffixation is the process of forming new words by adding suffixes to the end of stems. Suffixes have primary function being to change the word class with a slight modification of meaning. Suffixes can be divided into noun suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes and verb suffixes. For instance, noun suffixes include: 1) denominal nouns, -eer, -er, -age, profiteer, teenager, mileage; 2) deverbal nouns, -ant, -ent, -ing, assistant, respondent, christening; 3) de-adjective nouns, -ity, -ness, productivity, youthfulness; 4) noun and adjective suffixes, -ese, -an, -ist, Chinese, Australian, Methodist. Affixation is the strongest word formation, and it forms the largest number of words, and it is considered to be one of the best ways to learn English. Linguist David Crystal said, no matter how big your vocabulary is, only you know the range of prefixes and suffixes, and you know the main limitation of using them, your vocabulary will sharp increase soon. Famous author Lord Chesterfield said, the shortest and best way of learning a language is to know the roots of it, that is, those original primitive words of which other words are formed. Etymology scientists John Kennedy said, the stem and its value are the basis of the English language. 3. Compounding Compounding or composition is a process of word formation by which two or more stems are put together to make a new word. Words formed in this way are called compounds. So a compound is a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single wordà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, Quirk et al said that. Compounds can be divided into noun compounds, adjective compounds and verb compounds. For instance, noun compounds include: 1) noun+ noun: moon cake, end product; 2) noun+ verb: toothache, frostbite; 3) verb+ noun: crybaby, tell-tale; 4) adjective+ noun: deadline, blueprint; 5) noun+ verb-ing: brainwashing, air-conditioning; 6) verb-ing+ noun: cleaning lady, wading bird; 7) noun+ verb-er: stockholder, crime reporter; 8) adverb+ verb: outbreak, downfall; 9) verb+ adverb: sit-in, have-not; 10)verb-ing+ adverb: going-over, carryings-on; 11) adverb+ verb-ing: up-bringing. And compounds have noticeable characteristics, such as phonolog ical features, semantic features, grammatical features and orthographical features. 4. Conversion Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class, without changes in morphological structures. New words are new only in a grammatical sense. For instance, the word paper as a noun has four senses: 1) material in thin sheets made from wood or cloth, 2) a newspaper, 3) a piece of writing for specialists, and 4) wallpaper. When turned into a transitive verb, it is related only to 4) as in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"She papered the room greenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. 5. Conclusion English words are difficult to learn and hard to remember, but there are internal rules can be found. If we start from word formation, we can make vocabulary learning become simple and efficient, and make it possible for the rapid expansion of vocabulary. Word formation is an efficient way and powerful weapon for English study. We should grasp the three main ways, affixation, compounding and conversion, especially for our English major students.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Touch Wood :: English Literature Essays
Touch Wood Touch Wood is based on the author ¹s own life when she was growing as a Jewish girl during the German invasion of France. In 1940, Renà ©e and her family were living in Alsace, France, where nothing ever changed. No one expected anything unusual to happen. Then one day, a war with Germany is announced on the radio. The Germans wanted to annex Alsace and forced the Jews to leave. France was split into two zones- the Free Zone and the German occupied zone. Renà ©e ¹s father chose for them to move to Paris, because it is a big city where he can find work, and also because Renà ©e ¹s mother has childhood friends there. So, Renà ©e, her parents, her two younger sisters, and their blind grandmother move into a crowded apartment in the German-occupied zone. Renà ©e was disappointed in Paris when she arrived. She finds that everything seems to be smaller in Paris. Eventually, her new neighborhood becomes more of a home and helps Renà ©e to miss Alsace a little less. Renà ©e ¹s parents had left Poland and then Hungary to find a freer, better life. They settled in France and thought they ¹d be safe. Then Adolf Hitler, a German man who hated Jewish people, started trouble all over again. First, seven synagogues were blown up. Then, the Germans created a curfew prohibiting Jews to go during certain hours. Any Jew caught in the street after curfew would be taken as hostage. Also, all Jewish people must wear a Star of David on their shirts. An ordinance is created requiring all Jewish firms to be registered. Then the Jewish are forbidden to go to most public places, and they are only allowed an hour to grocery shop. Suddenly, their family ¹s Jewish neighbors are being taken away one by one. Renà ©e ¹s family becomes fearful. At one point, they have to hide from the police. Renà ©e ¹s parents decide to take action. They have friends who know Mother Superior. They send Renà ©e and her sisters to a Catholic residence in Normandy until the war is over. Their father emphasizes for them not to tell anyone that they are Jewish. When they arrive in Normandy, they find a cozy bedroom, appetizing meals, and friendly people. Renà ©e has to deal with a nosy housekeeper, who could possibly uncover their secret. Renà ©e and her sisters love their new school, which is much more spacious and modern than the one in Paris.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Psychological Abuse Essay
Psychological abuse refers to â€Å"abuse that damages the psyche, or the mind. Psychological abuse happens when one person attempts to gain power and control over another.†It involves the deliberate infliction of pain or anguish to another person through verbal or nonverbal conduct designed to humiliate or threaten another person (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse). Psychological abuse if quite prevalent in the United States. Most of its victims are women. Indeed, it is estimated that about 1.5 million women get psychologically abused each year. Psychological abuse often leads to physical abuse, as well as domination of the relationship and isolation from friends and family (, 2006).            Psychological abuse is dangerous because it poses many risks on the victim, such as acute stress, post traumatic stress disorder, and depression (, 2006). The many documented effects of psychological maltreatment include: Other possible consequences of psychological abuse are emotional instability, low social competency, anxiety, and low academic achievement (Canadian Health Network, 2004).            Given the effects and signs of psychological abuse, the common victims are those who have no emotional or social support from family and friends. On the other hand, people who often have contact with vulnerable people are sometimes the ones who perpetrate psychological abuse. This group may include caregivers and even family members of the victim (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse).            One important issue on psychological abuse involves neglect, particularly on children. Neglect involves the omission of protection and care needed by a child, which could lead to adverse consequences such as juvenile delinquency, aggressive behavior, and child deaths (Canadian Health Network, 2004). In this connection, the fact that many children become victims of psychological abuse is a very alarming issue, particularly because of the tender age of the victims. Moreover, it is observed that may victims of child psychological abuse are emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded, or physically handicapped, although the onset of these conditions may differ as to time (Wall, 1975).            Another important issue with psychological abuse is the fact that it is believed to be the â€Å"most under-reported form of abuse.†Thus, the prevalence rates reported periodically may not be accurate since they only include those incidences that have been reported (Canadian Health Network, 2004).            Another critical issue on psychological abuse is its pervasiveness in dating relationships. It is estimated that abuse during the courtship ranges from 20 to 50 percent of men and women. There is also another concern about the increased risk of abuse in a dating relationship due to the tendency of couples to prolong the dating relationship before marriage (Burke, Stets & Pirog-Good, 1988).            All of these issues are worth exploring. Women and children appear to be at special risk given their vulnerability. Another vulnerable group is the aged, who have no support systems to rely on. References Burke, P. J., Stets, J. E. & Pirog-Good, M. A. (1988). Gender Identity, Self-Esteem,   and Physical and Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships. Social Psychology       Quarterly 51(3), 272-285. Canadian Health Network. (2004). What is psychological maltreatment? Retrieved       February 24, 2008, from http://www.canadian-health- RCS%2FCHNResource%2FFAQCHNResourceTemplate&c=CHNResource&lan        g=En National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Psychological Abuse. Retrieved            February 24, 2008, from (2006). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved February 24, 2008,  from Wall, C. M. (1975). Child Abuse: A Societal Problem with Educational Implications.      Peabody Journal of Education 52(3), 222-225.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Feelings of war in his poems ‘Exposure’ and ‘Spring Offensive’ Essay
How does Owen use the seasons and nature to illustrate his feelings about war? Compare his treatment of the natural world in ‘Exposure’ and ‘Spring Offensive’. Owen signed up to fight in the war in 1915. He thought that war was romantic and heroic but when he was in the front line he realised that it was the exact opposite of what he thought it would be. He uses nature and the natural world to represent this evil place but also in his poetry the natural world is the soldier’s one source of comfort. So in this essay I am going to discuss how Owen portrays the natural world in his poems ‘Spring Offensive’ and ‘Exposure’. To begin with the tone in ‘Spring Offensive’ changes as the poem progresses. This mimics the mood of the soldiers. Even though the tone changes throughout the poem it is noticeable that the theme of the soldiers not wanting to go into war. Even in the ‘quiet’ moments in the poem the threat of suffering is present. However, the tone in ‘Exposure’ is different to the tone in ‘Spring Offensive’ because the tone in ‘Exposure’ is mainly one of frustration, despair and desolation. This is felt by the soldiers as they wait to go into battle but it appears that that time will never come. Nature adds to the tone in ‘Exposure’ because as they are waiting to go into battle it is the weather that is doing them damage. Also the rhythm and rhyme in ‘Spring Offensive’ is a very important part of the poem. It is important because it gives the reader a bigger insight into the poem. When he pairs â€Å"last hill†and â€Å"stood still†together the repeated ‘ll’ sounds gives the reader the feeling that the journey the soldiers are taking is a long one. When he uses â€Å"grass†and â€Å"glass†it gives the reader a better idea of the distress the soldiers are feeling through the harsh ‘ss’ sounds. He also uses â€Å"together†and â€Å"heather†to create pace to show the soldiers’ movement. But, the rhythm and rhyme in ‘Exposure’ isn’t as important as the rhythm and rhyme in ‘Spring Offensive’ because it doesn’t explain much more to the poem. All it does is use half rhyme because perfect rhyme has no place in this poem as it would create a sense of fluid movement which the sol diers never feel. Further more, the imagery in ‘Spring Offensive’ changes in every stanza to create a different feeling each time. The poem starts of by making the soldiers sound like they are beasts; â€Å"they fed, and eased of pack-loads, were at ease†. Also it tells us that the soldiers are accepting that they are going to die. I know this from the line â€Å"knowing their feet had come to the end of the world†. It also goes on to make nature sound like its comforting the soldiers as â€Å"marvelling they stood, and watched the long grass swirled†. It also makes summer sound like it is helping the soldiers forget about the pain they are suffering; â€Å"and though the summer oozed into their veins, like an injected drug for their bodies pains†. Then the feeling of war being heroic returns with nature offering golden gifts to the soldiers; â€Å"blessed with gold their slow boots†but it is still letting us know that the soldiers are reluctant to go into war; â€Å"slow boots†. The use of the simile â€Å"like sorrowing arms†unites nature with the natural suffering of the families left behind. Near the end of the poem there is the image of pounding sea. This gives the image of the soldiers crashing into a â€Å"surf of bullets†, tossed upon the â€Å"upsurge†of hell. Nature’s power and force is linked with the hellish power of war. The final stanza shows nature returning to a peaceful state, but the memories of battle are still present. However, the imagery in ‘Exposure’ remains the same the whole way through the poem. It is just mainly showing nature as the soldiers’ main enemy. The wind is personified and is said to â€Å"knife†the men. Silence is also personified as an invisible but real threat. Image of men’s suffering linked again with nature, â€Å"mad gusts†¦like twitching agonies of men among its brambles†which is letting us know nature can cause pain. This is the opposite of ‘Spring Offensive’ where nature has healing qualities. In this poem the power of god seems to be dying. War is more powerfully destructive than god’s ability to create. Death is the main image in ‘Exposure’ but it is death through nature rather than through weapons; â€Å"frost will fasten†¦shrivelling many hands†¦Ã¢â‚¬ the signs of death are shared by the corpses and by the living. The men are described as â€Å"ghosts†because the suffering of war has caused the men to die inside; this means they aren’t vulnerable to emotions anymore. The dreams the soldiers have are concentrated on nature in its restored form, â€Å"grassier ditches†¦littered with blossoms†this idealised view of nature only exists in a wishful form. Also the language in ‘Spring Offensive’ tries to affect the reader’s emotions. The poem starts of with harsh constant ‘K’ sounds which are aurally discomforting; â€Å"to face the stark, blank sky beyond the ridge†. This mimics the soldiers’ distressing existence. It also goes on to use of the connective â€Å"so†, this suggests harmlessness and ordinariness but it introduces the deathly action of their charge. The language in ‘Exposure’ is used in the same way as the language in ‘Spring Offensive’. There are harsh consonant sounds and sibilance emphasises the bitter and bleak conditions of the men. So to conclude Owen uses nature and seasons to show that he thinks that war is an awful place and that you feel the negative effects of war even if you aren’t involved in a battle at that time.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Kickstart Your Book A Writers Guide to Crowd-Source Funding
Kickstart Your Book A Writers Guide to Crowd-Source Funding News of Kickstarter is everywhere today. Don’t know what crowd-source funding is? Here it is in a nutshell: you create a project,determine a monetary goal, set a time limit, submit the idea, and once approved, your project appears on Kickstarter. Site visitors pledge money in return for rewards that you offer on your project page. Succeed and the money is yours, less a 5% fee and any credit card fees incurred. Fall short of your goal and you get nothing. Exceed your goal, you get to keep it all, less the aforementioned fees. Sounds simple doesn’t it? What’s true for writing is true for Kickstarter as well. To be successful takes study, forethought, and hard work before, during, and after your project is active. To pique potential investor’s interest, your proposal must be in your voice. What wildly successful projects have in common is that their rewards are so cool that people can’t resist, or their presentation so enchanting that you are not only compelled to keep reading, but also cannot keep your finger from caressing the Back This Project button, muttering I must have  marshmallows.. Tips for Success: 1. Your project description is like a query letter: Hook, synopsis, and
Monday, October 21, 2019
ance essays
ance essays Almost everyone has acne at one time or another in life. Acne is a skin condition that can cause pimples such as, white heads and black heads to appear on the face, chest, back, neck, and shoulders. Most teenagers have acne for about five years, but for others it clears up much faster. Not only teenagers go through acne, but women that did not experience acne during puberty, can also get acne in there twenties and thirties. Women can also get minor acne before there menstrual period. All of us are affected by acne at one point in time or another, and some less than others, but all of us experience it and just have to deal with it because the best remedy for getting rid of acne is time. Acne begins in the upper part of the hair follicle, where sebaceous glands discharge sebum, an oily substance that keeps skin from drying out. During puberty, the sebaceous glands enlarge dramatically. If pores near these glands become clogged with dead skin cells or oily cosmetics, the sebum accumulat es underneath, causing inflammation in the surrounding skin. The acne is further aggravated when bacterial enzymes break down the sebum into irritating substances that add to the inflammation and swelling. If several follicles in the same area become inflamed, scarring can also occur. There are several forms of acne, but the most common is vulgaris, found mostly in teenagers, whose hormonal changes cause a large increase in the size of the sebaceous glands and in sebum production. As stated before the best remedy for acne is time, and just letting acne go away on its own is the best. People with moderate cases of acne may use topical antibiotics, and also take small doses of antibiotics given orally over long periods of time. Other therapies that have been found effective include the topical use of retinoic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Most experts agree that greasy or oily cosmetics should not be used, and that water-based cosmetics should be used instead. Th...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definitions and Examples of Partitives in Grammar
Definitions and Examples of Partitives in Grammar  In English grammar, a partitive is a word or phrase (such as some of or a slice of) that indicates a part or quantity of something as distinct from a whole.Partitive is also called partitive noun or partitive noun phrase and is from the Latin partitus, relating to a part. Partitives can appear before mass (or noncount) nouns as well as count nouns. Although most partitive constructions refer to a quantity or amount, some are used to indicate quality or behavior (the kind of teacher who ... ).  Examples and Observations You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip. (J.M. Barrie, Courage. Rectorial Address delivered at St. Andrews University, May 3, 1922)Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do, dont need to be done. (Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes)Now Murrells eyes followed an ant on a blade of grass, up the blade and down, many times in the single moment. (Eudora Welty, A Still Moment. The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty. Harcourt, 1980)Soap gumdrops, soap cigars, soap pickles, soap chocolates, and even a bar of soap that dyed its user an indelible blue made life exciting for the friends of a Johnson Smith addict. (Jean Shepherd, A Fistful of Fig Newtons. Random House, 1981)Not a part of the rock or a speck of moss or a streak of some other mineral, it was one of those stubborn bits of green felted cardboard that these rocks were always fixed on inside of the boxes. (Sharon Fiffer, Buried Stuff. Minotaur Books, 2010) It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school kid on your bike, or if you’re an egghead like me with a boatload of degrees. Anybody can be a birder. (Ben Kingsley as Lawrence Konrad in A Birders Guide to Everything, 2014)I am not just some here-today-gone-tomorrow sort of person who blows hot and cold like a feather in the windblown about by air. Oh no. Believe me, my love for you is, was and always will be true and oh-so-real. (Dawn French, Dear David Cassidy in Dear Fatty. Arrow Books, 2009) Partitives With Count Nouns and Noncount Nouns Count nouns that can act as the first element in such a structure (e.g. piece, bit, sort, etc.) are partitive nouns or partitives. Some words that form the second part of the construction take specific partitives (also called unit nouns) a Partitives are useful because they provide a means of counting uncount nouns.(Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner, Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1994) Partitives With Nouns of Location and Time Partitives are found with nouns of location (the end of the street, the back of the house etc.) and time (the end of the day, the middle of the week, the beginning of the month). These partitives of location and time are almost always found with the frame the partitive of the noun. (Dave Willis, Rules, Patterns and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2003) One day toward the end of the month the wind veered around to the southwest again and clouds moved in, bringing with them a heavy downpour. (John Hanson Mitchell, Living at the End of Time: Two Years in a Tiny House. University Press of New England, 2014) Partitives With Foods and Liquids Some partitives, such as gallon/liter of, can be applied to any head noun that is a liquid, and partitives such as ton/gram/pound of can be used to quantify anything that is appropriately measured by weight. Similarly, partitives such as a bottle of can be applied to different types of liquids that come in this container (e.g., beer, wine, catsup, milk). In contrast, partitives used to quantify food are more restricted. Portions of baked goods such as cake, pie, pizza, and bread are measured by slices, and only bread is quantified by the partitive count noun loaf. Certain types of vegetables (e.g., cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce) are quantified by head. (Ron Cowan, The Teachers Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press, 2008) The pub is very smart and popular with foreigners, who can order Leopold Blooms lunch- a gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of burgundy- for about fifteen dollars during the summer high season. (Bill Barich, A Pint of Plain: Tradition, Change and the Fate of the Irish Pub. Bloomsbury, 2010) Functions of Partitives Partitive expressions collocate strongly with particular non-count nouns: a​ ... Partitive expressions commonly refer to the shape, size, movement or the amount of something: Theres a whole ... Some partitive expressions with -ful refer to containers or spaces which commonly hold the item referred to. These include bowlful of, cupful of, fistful of, handful of, mouthful of, spoonful of: He gave me a The plural of such expressions is usually formed by adding -s after -ful.(Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy, Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Management in Healthcare Organizations Term Paper
Management in Healthcare Organizations - Term Paper Example Modern evidence through research shows that using lean clinic design has the potential of improving the general productivity of a building. Using the Clearview Cancer Center in Huntsville, Alabama as an example, there is enough evidence to suggest that the design has led to improvement in patient flow as well as a reduction in the amount of time that it took patients to journey from one point within the clinic to the other to receive care (McKee, Figueras and Chenet, 1998). In effect, the Clearview Cancer Center in Huntsville is a clear evidence of how lean clinic design has increased patient throughput and ensured longevity for patients. It is against this background that the current proposal is being presented for the board’s consideration of implementing clean clinic design as has been recommended by the architect of The Fallon Clinic in Massachusetts. Improvement in Patient Flow When patients visit the clinic, they are expected to move from one point of service to the othe r. This is because at The Fallon Clinic in Massachusetts, there is currently not a centralized patient serving process that permits patients to receive integrated service at only one point of call. Patient flow therefore involves movement for services such as admission, confirmation of insurance card, checking in to the consulting room, taking prescription to the pharmacy, visiting the laboratory among others. In an emergency situation such length of flow, if not minimized can be highly threatening to the health of patients (Healy and McKee, 1997). Meanwhile with a lean clinic design, the benefit will be towards the reduction of time spent to and from one point of service to the other. There are two major ways by which the lean clinic design is assured to bring about the improvement in patient flow. In the first place, the design will ensure that service centers are brought close to each other and that there are connected services being taken from the same premises or room. The seco nd form will be to ensure that there is visibility with service points, where patients will not have to use meandering routes to find their ways to service points. Access to care and efficiency Clearly, as easily as patients are able to reach service providers in a real cut down in time frame, the next benefit that will be expected will be improved access to care. Generally, access to care involves the reception of health care when it is most needed (Kaser, 2007). This means that when a patient approaches the clinic and is severe need of a particular health care service, any condition that denies the care at the very urgent time that the service is needed hinders access to care. A typical example of access to care can be cited with a pregnant woman who comes to the clinic and is in labor. At that time, access to care should ensure that she receives the services of midwives who will ensure that there is an immediate safe delivery for her. If this pregnant woman does not receive this form of care but its left alone to go through labor by herself, any form of care that will come will not constitute access to care at the time she entered the clinic. Meanwhile with a lean clinic design in place, the type of free flow of patients and accessibility that employees are going to get, there is enough evidence that care will reach patients when it is most n
Friday, October 18, 2019
Improving Maternal health Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Improving Maternal health - Research Paper Example Despite maternal health concern being in the millennium development goals, the condition is still wanting. Maternal has for been a leading cause of death for many women and children. Efforts have been made to handle the situation with political aid. According to world health organization report of 2012, it has led to the global reduction of maternal health by 47% since 1990 to 2012. However, approximately 800 women die daily from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. In most underserved and marginalized communities are unable to access the information, resources, and services leading to prevailing of poor maternal health. Filippi demonstrated the health condition in developing countries to be poor compared to the developed countries (361). The factors that drive communities to high mortality rates despite the measure put to control are variety. Poverty, lack of knowledge, cultural ties, few skilled attendants and distance to hospitals are contributing factors to mor tality deaths. There is a need to look into the issue deaths related pregnancies to safeguard the lives the mother and the child. WHO report of 2013 suggested an estimation of 289,000 women died during delivery. According to Bergsma, the situation in developing countries is 97 times worse than in developing countries. Antenatal care would reduce maternal mortality (35-54). The majority of deaths are reported to occur during and immediately following birth. WHO â€Å"Maternal Mortality†report shows that excessive bleeding causes 25%, 15% due to infections, 12% for the seizure disorder and 8% are due to obstructed labor. Other causes of death during pregnancy include unsafe abortions that account for 13% of the total deaths. The situation is so alarming in the society and needs further actions to reduce the deaths globally. The issue of death is extended to the postpartum period.Â
Men--Its in their nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Men--Its in their nature - Essay Example Conversely, women had a tendency to to be watchful so that they could preserve, maintain, care and nurture their families. Men seem to be risk takers be it professionally or romantically and even in the recreational events, they take part in (Roeser 1039). This goes to explain why it is mostly men that are involved in extreme sports such as car racing, sky diving, rock climbing, just to name a few. It is very common to see men as the centre point of uploaded videos that show, for the lack of a better word, stupid stunts such as car surfing. Exactly as the name describes, it involves a driver climbing and then standing on top of a car as it is being driven and of course not to forgetting to mention the antics displayed on the hilarious but painful to watch two jackass movies. Many men have reported that they generally take risks because it is fun, and this explains why they will be involved in risky past time behaviors. This does not imply that women do not have fun as well, but their idea of fun is less risky. It is also common to observe a man racing his car against a fellow driver on the road, not because it is a rally event but simply because they want to show off or protect their ego (Roeser, 1040). When a male driver is overtaken by another car on the road, chances are that he will step on the accelerator and try to reclaim his glory by overtaking the said driver. This in turn ends up as cycle that will only come to an end when one of the drivers concedes defeat or has to go his separate way. As weird and ridiculous as it may sound, risk taking is a part of men’s way of impressing women. In the presence of a woman, a man who is say, involved in a sport will perform a riskier stunt to show off and impress the ladies. When they know that women are watching, men tend to take up more risky behavior than they normally would. In addition, it is in the nature of men to be polygamous, that every man is unfaithful or will be at some point in his life despite how good he seems. Over the years, it seems like it has been the norm, marriages breaking up due to infidelity. It would be unfair to make it seem as if women are always the victims but statistics show that more men than women tend to stray in relationships. Many reasons have been given as to why this is the case, with some dating as far as the biblical times. During the earlier centuries, before Christ that is, men had more than one wife and it was widely accepted. A famous case is of King Solomon, who had more than seven hundred wives and one thousand concubines. How does one man handle all these women? Even in Africa, many households still embrace polygamy. It is only recently that men have started to shed the one man, many wives attire. Nowadays, after moving from the polygamy scenario, it seems that most men are now taking up unfaithfulness. Many times the statement that men are unfaithful by nature has been used, that they are like animals and will stray, although, it would b e unfair to generalize that all men are unfaithful. It is important to consider that there are natural reasons or some genetic coding that makes a man lust after more than one woman. Furthermore, men are by nature sexual creatures who are easily visually stimulated, thus man might be happily married or in a relationship,
MKT501 Strategic Marketing - Mod 4 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MKT501 Strategic Marketing - Mod 4 SLP - Essay Example Even knowledge is not enough, as a potential consumer may have to be influenced by others or by the uniqueness of the product or service offering. In modern times, where different varieties of the same product or service are made available for different segments of the population, one may follow different strategies to create appeals or desires among different segments of the population, depending on its demographic, psychographic and lifestyle analysis (Kotler & Keller, 2011). Branding, advertising, personal selling, industrial selling and sales promotion and distribution efforts all constitute different types of promotion strategies for a product or service. Taking the example of a car as introduced in Module 1, we can see that advertising on television and billboards, sales promotion though different offers such as prizes in lucky draws connected with another product, and special deals available at car dealers are some of the methods that are used by automobile companies to induce people to buy their products. Of course, online advertising is another means to attract consumers of all types and income groups across the spectrum. Automobile companies usually show off their latest models inviting us to click their ads and browse the details of various models available. There is even a good market for second hand cars. As to the different marketing ploys used to attract different groups of customers, typically the higher income groups, celebrities and the t rend setters are shown the faster and sleeker varieties. Depending on the family size, a Pajero, a sedan or a Landcruiser may also be a good choice. On the other hand, while targeting a middle class family, a roomy and ergonomically designed car like a Camry would be a good choice. For the classier lot, a Lexus would be a good option. Similarly we have cars for the lower end as well, or those available at a discount being second hand cars. In this way the different segments of the market for
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Smart air conditioner Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Smart air conditioner - Research Paper Example As energy is conserved this way, the amount of pollutants from such sources would also be reduced therefore protecting the university environment from pollution. Additionally, smart air conditioner would keep the university environment clean by reducing on the pollutants released from air conditioners. Air conditioning units are said to contain refrigerants. According to Northern Ireland Protection Agency (2014), these refrigerants contain hazardous substances like fluorinated gases (F-gases) and ozone depleting substances (ODS). Some air conditioners have deodorants which could release chlorofluorocarbons, CFC, when in operation. These compounds gradually damage the university environment, depleting the ozone layer, the reason for global warming. The smart air conditioner mitigates this menace by reducing the time of operation of air conditioners by programming operation only when in use (Karol, 2014). This minimizes on the amount of these compounds emitted and also reduces the environmental exposure time thus curbing on the pollution of the university’s
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Causes and Effects of Obesity - Essay Example The first cause of obesity relates to bad eating habits, as the food which we incorporate is the main determinant of our body mass. The trend of junk foods nowadays results in the incorporation of the bad fats in the body. The bad food choices resulting due to the advertisements attracting the people towards the products cause long terms effects, the most important of which is obesity. Also, lack of awareness amongst individuals in related to the poor eating habits, i.e. fats are basically of two main kinds; the saturated fats and the unsaturated fats. The saturated fats are the ones which are difficult for the body to break, and these are facts which are the main causes of obesity. (Wexler 2010) Secondly, the unhealthy lifestyle is also the sole determinant of the level of obesity. Our food intake won`t be as big of an issue if the fats are broken down properly, otherwise, fats incorporate in the bodies of the individuals. The trend of video games and the maximum activities over internet and computer results in the lack of strenuous activities amongst individuals. Thus, the body loses momentum, also lacks flexibility in the long run. Thus, when fats won`t be broken, they would definitely start accumulating under the skin resulting in obesity. Lastly, one of the main causes of obesity also lies in the emotional imbalances of individuals (Mocan 2009). Stress and other emotional issues found amongst individuals results in the hormonal imbalances. These hormonal imbalances result in the further distortion in the eating habits and the differences in the blood pressures. In the long term, it results in an increased obesity level. Analyzing the results or in other words the effects of the obesity, three main causes can be traced.
Smart air conditioner Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Smart air conditioner - Research Paper Example As energy is conserved this way, the amount of pollutants from such sources would also be reduced therefore protecting the university environment from pollution. Additionally, smart air conditioner would keep the university environment clean by reducing on the pollutants released from air conditioners. Air conditioning units are said to contain refrigerants. According to Northern Ireland Protection Agency (2014), these refrigerants contain hazardous substances like fluorinated gases (F-gases) and ozone depleting substances (ODS). Some air conditioners have deodorants which could release chlorofluorocarbons, CFC, when in operation. These compounds gradually damage the university environment, depleting the ozone layer, the reason for global warming. The smart air conditioner mitigates this menace by reducing the time of operation of air conditioners by programming operation only when in use (Karol, 2014). This minimizes on the amount of these compounds emitted and also reduces the environmental exposure time thus curbing on the pollution of the university’s
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Case Study of McDonalds Essay Example for Free
Case Study of McDonalds Essay In the early 1940s, two brothers opened a burger restaurant that was based on standardized preparation called the Speedee Service System. This burger restaurant is now globally known as McDonalds. In 1976, McDonalds introduced the breakfast menu as a way to diversify sales and product selection. Today this multinational corporation serves nearly 54 million customers every day in 120 countries around the world. McDonalds first international venture was in Richmond, British Columbia, during 1967. Two of McDonalds main products were introduced in 1968, the Big Mac and the Egg McMuffin Sandwich. When the first McDonalds opened in Hong Kong in 1975, they were the first restaurants to consistently offer clean bathrooms, which drove customers to demand the same standards of other restaurants and institutions. McDonalds continually builds its brand by receiving customer input. This is why McDonalds is known as one of the most recognizable brands in the world. This case study illustrates how McDonalds marketing process works and how they overcome problems in the process. This case analysis will include a SWOT analysis of McDonalds, which looks at the internal environment of strengths and weaknesses and the external environment of opportunities and threats. It then examines alternative solutions to correct weaknesses, threats, and opportunities and concludes with recommendations with exact steps and a brief conclusion. S.W.O.T. AnalysisThis analysis was developed from the McDonalds website and various other online sources. Other information was provided by the textbook, Organization Behavior by Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki. SWOT stands for internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats. It will illustrate the opportunities and threats in McDonalds current environment, and compare it to their internal strengths and weaknesses. We will then discuss creative strategies to align their internal environment with their external environment and provide multiple alternatives and a recommendation. Internal AnalysisMcDonalds Corporation is a multimillion dollar global business because of the fact their strengths greatly outweigh their weaknesses. McDonalds is known globally because it is dedicated to the unparallel levels of quality service, cleanliness and values. McDonalds is also globally known because it is financially sound and recognized by the Fortune 500 and the Hoovers 500. We will provide the strengths and weakness of the McDonalds Corporation. We will also show the effect they have on their expansion throughout the globe and the direct impact it has on their financial records. This will be presented in descending order of importance throughout the strengths and weaknesses. McDonalds SWOT AnalysisStrengths1.The Companys developed global strategya.60% of McDonalds sales and all of its top 10 restaurants, (in terms of sales profits) are now overseas. b.McDonalds adapts to each countrys specific needs cultural differencesi. For example: In Japan, McDonalds had to substantially adapt its original U.S. style menu to include a McChao(a Chinese fried rice dish). When McDonalds introduced rice meals in Japan, sales jumped 30% in one year, and it continues to innovate in Japan with Teriyaki McBurger and Chicken Tatsuta. ii.The menu price has been adapted for each country. iii.The average Big Mac price for the U.S. is $3.00; China $1.26; Switzerland $5.64c.In 2005 McDonalds was ranked 8th out of the top 30 global brands. 2.Adaptation to cultural preferences and trendsa.Within the past 3 years, McDonalds has made several adaptations to their strategy by adding a more appealing breakfast menu, specialty coffees, and healthier menu options. b. McDonalds has also managed to adapt their individual franchises to the current trends and concerns in their individual geographical locations, simultaneously cutting costs. i.For example: In Europe, McDonalds discovered that children were content with a simple word puzzle on a menu tray or a small stuffed animal and did not require more expensive Happy meal promotions that they used in the U.S. c.This year the worlds largest restaurant chain, with 31,000 locations, will spend $1.9 billion to open 800 restaurants and reinvest in existing locations. 3.The companys attention to global health concernsa.McDonalds menus offer a variety of food products that can fit into balanced, active lifestyles. Restaurants typically serve several types of hamburgers, grilled and fried chicken products, and fish and, in many cases, salads, fruits, and additional sandwich options. i.Many European countries have launched Salads Plus menus, including meal-size salad choices, a side salad, fresh fruit bag, and other options. ii.McDonalds Canada offers Toasted Deli Sandwiches. iii.McDonalds Hong Kong has a Fresh Choices Menu, with two salads and fruit yogurt. iv.McDonalds Australia offers a QuickStart breakfast menu, including a choice of cereals, juices, reduced fat or nonfat milk, and yogurt. v.McDonalds Taiwan serves a Toasted Rice Burger. vi.Apples are served whole or with other foods in more than 20 countries around the world. b.Many local business units are adding new salad, fruit, and vegetable offerings. c.Local business units are also expanding Happy Meal choices to include new sandwich, side, and beverage alternatives. These reflect a System-wide goal of ensuring that Happy Meals remain a choice moms feel good about and children enjoy. 4.The Company has high environmental standards:a.Delivery Vehicles which can carry fresh, frozen and chilled food have resulted in fewer deliveries, enabling them to reduce diesel costs and fuel emissions. Also, fixed delivery schedules reduced the distance traveled in 1993 by 310,000 miles. b.Each McDonalds restaurant is carefully designed individually to fit into its local environment. This means listening to local concerns, fitting in with local scenery and landscaping drive-thru restaurants. Over 120 McDonalds restaurants are in conservation areas and over 30 are in Grade II listed buildings. c. McDonalds uses a minimum of 50% recycled content in corrugated cardboard boxes and ask that their suppliers do the same. All McDonalds food boxes and cartons are made from 72% recycled material, carry out bags are unbleached and made from 60-80% recycled material, while napkins and tray liners are 100% recycled paper. Additionally, all their picnic benches, drive=thru lane traffic bollards and most of the fencing panels are new restaurants are made from recycled polystyrene. d. McDonalds have made a commitment that, by 1995, they had reduced the volume of solid waste by 50%. They achieved this by using the three Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. 5.High percentage of minority employmenta.McDonalds has the largest number of minority and female franchisees in the quick service industry. b.More than 40.7% of all McDonalds US Owner/Operators are women and minorities. Weaknesses1.Worker shortagea.In all employment areas, there is a high demand for qualified workers. b.A new development that is creating even more employee demand is the new immigration laws for the country and state. 2.Employee turn-overa.It is difficult to keep the employees already employed with McDonalds. i. McDonalds has a turnover rate of about 35 to 40 percent. b.People consider working at McDonalds embarrassing and look for employment elsewhere. c.Minimum wage doesnt keep good workers around. i. $5.85 per hour beginning July 24, 2007ii.$6.55 per hour beginning July 24, 2008iii.$7.25 per hour beginning July 24, 20093.Customer trends change and so do their choicesa.Quality and taste of products is declining. b.People are generally tired of the same brands that they had been using over the years, so when they do not see the expected innovation they migrate to new brands. c.People see McDonalds every where and this over exposure might also be a reason for abstinence. Moreover maintaining the standards of such a huge chain becomes feasible and when there is lack of quality service in one store it effects the whole brand. External Analysis The constant improvements in technology and the competitive marketplace challenge McDonalds with many opportunities and threats. McDonalds has a great management team that constantly looks for new opportunities because McDonalds is the industry standard on technology. Other opportunities for McDonalds would be to expand to all developing and developed countries around the world. Among the current and future threats, there are thousands of fast-food chains in the world, most of the new fast-food franchises are concentrating on having a healthy image, so therefore McDonalds needs to continue to improve their healthy choice menu. This will be presented in descending order of importance throughout the opportunities and threats. Opportunities1.New Technologiesa.Computers that are also tablesi.These computers that are also tables will be very handy because people do not like standing in lines and having to wait to order. Now all customers have to do is find a table and sit down and start ordering. This will pay off even more because customers will be able to special order their food easier which will in-turn reduce the mess up orders because customers will do it themselves. ii.These computer tables will also make it very easy for customers to pay for their food or even split the bill if they want to. All customers will have to do is lay their credit card or debit card down on the table and then pick what food you want to pay for and drag it over to where your card is laying and then click ok that is correct then use your finger to sign for the bill. 2.International Expansion and Franchisinga.There are only 17,000 McDonalds around the world and only located in 119 different countries. i.There are 194 countries in the world and McDonalds has lost of room to expand there restaurants to new countries. ii.McDonalds main concentration of expanding is in the ever growing in population of China. McDonalds wants to build as many drive thrus there as possible for the fast passed living. They have done research that there are 30,000 filling stations to put them in. b.Selling corporate owned McDonalds and turning them into franchises at home and abroad. i.Sold 18 businesses in Latin America and the Caribbeans. As a result these two countries will in turn franchise 1,600 restaurants. 3.New Food Items and New Programsa.Here in America we are accustomed to one of the programs that they are trying to add all over the world. This would be known as the dollar menu. In Europe they are calling it the Eurosaver, China has the RMB 5, and Latin America features the McMenu. b.In Latin America they are experimenting with something called McAhorro. This is a program of special pricing of certain products during certain times of the day or on carious days of the week. c.In Egypt their McDonalds are trying something completely new to McDonalds and this is having a carryout. Other countries also doing this now are Turkey, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. d.New food items that became popular in Latin America are the McCafe coffee and dessert concepts. Which are Expanding to other McDonalds in other countries to see how they fair. e.New Healthy Foodsi.Toasted deli sandwiches have now been put on a couple of McDonalds menus in Canadaii.McDonalds are starting to cook their French Fries in healthier oils and finding ways to cook their hamburgers to have less grease in them. iii.Mediterranean inspired Pitamac, a square pita bread sandwich that is open at the top and filled with spiced beef, grilled vegetables or chicken. iv.Introducing veggie burgers to more of their restaurants. v.Introducing water-based instead of oil-based salad dressings for their new premium salads. vi.Introducing healthier option with their meal instead of fries such as: salads, baked potatoes, yogurt, fruit, ect. Threats1.The biggest threat for McDonalds domestically is the lack of growth opportunitiesa.The market in the United States is well saturated and there is not a whole lot of room for growth. 2.Healthier eating habits. a.People are more worried about their health in todays society than they have ever been. McDonalds has introduced salads and other low fat items but it is hard for people to make the switch because the other food that McDonalds offers tastes great. 3.Fast food restaurant franchises as upcoming competition. a.The biggest competition would be taco and burrito franchises. This would be a threat because individuals get tired of eating hamburgers and fries and they want something different. b.McDonalds has the upper hand on most fast food restaurants because they serve breakfast. Recently Taco Bueno has added a breakfast menu and that could also be a threat for McDonalds. 4.Terrorisma.With McDonalds being a big retail food store with a lot of customers in the store daily. b.This could be a major threat not only to the store itself but to its customers also. 5.Global Competitiona.Through out the globe McDonalds is facing more and more competition because of other fast food chains entering the global markets. i.Burger King is the number two burger chain. It is located in over 65 countries now. In the US alone it has more then 11,200 locations. ii.Subway is the second largest quick serving restaurant. It has an astonishing 27,700 location abroad spanning over 85 countries. Another huge threat that this makes is that it now has more locations in the US than McDonalds. b.With global expansion McDonalds not only has to deal with other abroad competitors but the own countries fast food chains. McDonalds also has to get accustomed to the local eating habbits and taste so they will be able to satisfy their wants and needs. This means McDonalds will have to come up with new menu items for each country to fit their customs. i.Items that they have came up with to fit the taste and customs of consumers in Japan was to introduce the Mega Teriyaki Burger and the Triangle-shaped Mango Custard Pie. AlternativesAlternative 1- Technology UpdateImproving and Buying New Technology McDonalds has been improving many things at their restaurants in the past couple of years such as: remodeling, new menu items, and a drive-thru order speaker that shows you what you have ordered. McDonalds needs to make sure that they deep up with todays society and the new technology. One of the newest technology that McDonalds needs to consider purchasing is called Microsoft surface. This new technology well not only cut down on employee cost but it will help them keep up with the new way of life that time is money. ProsA. With Microsoft Surface computer tables in place it will make business quicker. i. People can sit down and order their food at the tablesii. There will be no waiting in lines which in turns saves people time. iii. Customers can pay at the end of their meals incase they want more food after their first order instead of going and standing in line again. B. Offer more things to do while waiting on your food and after you are done eating. i. Microsoft Surface also offers things to entertain your kids such as playing music to painting with their fingers. ii. Business people will find it handy because they can get on the internet and find thing they need or to get directions to their next destination and then can transfer it to their phones of PDAs. iii. Will older people like the new technology because it will be something new to them and will have to learn how to use it properly. ConsA. Microsoft Surface will be brand new technologyi. The cost of Microsoft Surface will have a very expensive price tag along with it. ii. Since it is a new product this means it will still have a few bugs in it that have not been found or worked out. B. How reliable with this new technology bei. Seeing how this is going to be used not only to order off of it will as be used as a table to eat and drink off of. Will the Surface be durable enough to handle messy food and drinks that will be spilled on it?Alternative 2- Improve Healthy menu OptionsMore Attention for Americas Healthy Menu Options- McDonalds has been successful in adding healthy menu options around the globe. However, throughout our study we have found that the healthy menu options for Americans are quite limited, and even more limited for the children in the United States. The PlanA.We feel that adding some healthy menu combination meals would really improve McDonalds sales. Americans dont want just a salad or chicken wrap as a meal, so why not add a combination meal that includes a salad, wrap, grilled chicken breast, or toasted deli sandwich with their choice of a healthy side, such as a fruit salad, yogurt, vegetables, or baked potato. B.Dont forget about our children. Moms arent just concerned about what they are putting in their mouths, their childrens health is just as important. If a mom can go to McDonalds and get a healthy meal, but there isnt anything healthy to feed her children, most likely shes going to choose a competing fast food franchise. Happy meals need to have options such as, a beef pot pie, turkey sandwich, or grilled chicken fingers. Choices of sides could include a healthy macaroni and cheese, vegetables, fruit marshmallows, or even cottage cheese and strawberries. McDonalds could also really score some big points with parents if they added healthy lifestyle tips for kids on the happy meal sacks, or provided toys that promote exercise. ProsA.Americans love variety and choices. Thats exactly what this plan is giving McDonalds customers. Variety and healthy choices will not only satisfy current customers, but it will attract more business. B.One of McDonalds biggest customer bases is America. Providing these options for this customer base will also increase their profit intake. C.This plan also shows the people in the U.S. that McDonalds cares about their customers concerns. This is just one more way to attract business. D.Since the release of the movie Super Size Me McDonalds has been known as the fast food restaurant that makes Americans fat. The best way to improve this bad image is to implement the healthy menu options in America. ConsA.Adding more options to a menu also means adding costs for the business. It is more expensive to keep vegetables and fruits fresh than it is to keep the food they currently serve fresh. B.Even though Americans are very concerned about their health, there is a large number of people who dont want to do anything about it. People arent looking to be healthy when they go out to eat at McDonalds, and because of that, the new healthy food options may not sell as well as other well established items on the McDonalds menu. Alternative 3 Increasing WagesIncrease starting wages and implement frequent raises McDonalds has always been considered one of the worst paying jobs with the lowest skill level. Even though the working conditions are favorable, qualified workers do not want to work at McDonalds because it is embarrassing, but mainly because McDonalds does not pay their employees enough. We think starting salaries should be increased as an incentive to want to work for McDonalds and turn the job into a career. ProsA. More dependable employees as applicants. i. The country is experiencing a huge worker shortage, but not only a worker shortage, but qualified, dependable workers. This alternative should help remedy that situation. ii. With higher starting wages and frequent raises for the employees, there should be a less percentage turn-over rate. If the employees are happy, they wont be looking for other positions elsewhere. ConsA. This increase will cost the corporation more financially. ii. This could limit the amount available in dividends to stockholders hurting future investments. RecommendationsTechnology updateIn order to remain in competition with not only fast food restaurants, but other restaurants as well, McDonalds will have to keep up with the growing technological society. This means taking advantage of any fast food advances that pertain to their area of service. The new technology will have to keep the pace of todays fast moving society, in which time is money. A specific technology that we recommend McDonalds take advantage of is the Microsoft Surface computer tables. This technology will be costly, if implemented in metropolitan areas it will be beneficial to not only the corporation, but also to McDonalds customers. Microsoft Surface computer tables will increase the contribution margin of the corporation by saving time, money, and order errors. McDonalds should gradually begin the implementation of the Microsoft Office table in major cities throughout the globe. As McDonalds begins to reap the benefits, and work out the kinks of the tables, the corporation should gradually apply this product throughout smaller restaurants. This process will be very slow moving and costly, but it is key in ensuring McDonalds continued domination in global fast food service. ConclusionsIn todays fast paces, highly technological society McDonalds has been able to stay on top of the fast food service industry, while providing quality service, and timely deliverance of food. It is not an easy task to stay on top of technologies and changing tastes of customers. McDonalds will need to continue to research the changing eating habits and styles to attract new customers and keep the business of current customers. McDonalds has proven its concerns for customers and employees by experimenting with new facilities and foods they are proving to society that they are concerned with not only their health but their prosperity. McDonalds has a very promising future ahead of them and if they continue to adapt to society and new technologies. Refrences
Monday, October 14, 2019
Employee Attitude And Performance Management
Employee Attitude And Performance Management Employees are the major drivers of any form of business and good employee performance is the most important need for the current competitive business environment to run successfully. Many organisations have started to attach a great emphasis towards the knowledge workers as claimed by Armstrong and Baron (1998) which makes it even more essential to understand the various practices of performance management. Performance Management and Performance Appraisal are very important tools; it helps to motivate employees to work hard and improves overall companys productivity Based on the study of Armstrong (2000) , performance management aims at improving the current results of the organisation or individuals or a group. A simple way to describe performance Management it is A process that significantly affects organizational success by having managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results and reward performance (Bowen, J. 2007). Performance appraisal is a way of giving employees feedback about their performance at work. According to ACAS (2003)  ¿Ã‚ ½Performance appraisal is an assessment of employees performance, potential and development needs. Performance appraisal is an opportunity to take an overall view of work content, loads and volumes, to look back on what has been achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next( ACAS, 2003). 1.1 Background Study Research Question Performance Management , regular, balanced and systematic appraisals must be administered consistently in order to evaluate the performance of each individual in the organization. This allows human resources to pinpoint the weaknesses of an individual ¿Ã‚ ½s work style and the strengths. They can then share this information with the employee in order to affect a change in performance. This in turn will lead to more productivity and potentially better returns on human investment. Design of Organization, Analyze the work processes and recommends improvements when necessary. HRM also need to scan the world environment and identify emerging trends that will affect the organization and the management of people therein. In this role, the HR person contributes to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-wide business plan and objectives. The HR business objectives are established to support the attainment of the overall strategic business plan and ob jectives. performance appraisal method that  ¿Ã‚ ½ranks individuals performance by counting the number of times any one individual is the preferred member when compared with all other employees in an organization ¿Ã‚ ½ (Decenzo, D and Robbins, S. 2001) According to Rue and Byars (2003) they illustrate the Paired Comparison Method using an example  ¿Ã‚ ½Suppose a manager is to evaluate six employees. The manager firstly compares the first employee with the second employee on a chosen performance criterion, such as quantity of work. If the manager thinks the first employee has produced more work then the second employee, he or she gets a higher rating. The first employee is then compared to the third, fourth, fifth and sixth employee on the same performance criterion. A better rating is given to the employee who produced the most work in each of these paired comparisons. The process is repeated until each employee has been compared to every other employee on all the chosen performance criteria. The employee with the best rating is considered to be the best performer. Likewise, the employee with the lowest rating is the lowest performer ¿Ã‚ ½. The main drawback of this method is that it can be used only in small organizations, wit h small numbers of employees, but in large organizations with large number of employees, it is difficult to compare each employee with every other employee in the organization. An appraisal method in which the employee ¿Ã‚ ½s performance feedback comes from such sources  ¿Ã‚ ½as self assessment, peers, team members, managers in the organizational hierarchy, and also from external sources such as customers, suppliers and other interested stakeholders has become very popular in contemporary organizations ¿Ã‚ ½ (Decenzo, D and Robbins, S. 2001) 360-Degree appraisal is a very useful tool, the data for appraisal is collected from a wide range of resources and it provides a very through picture of how an individual ¿Ã‚ ½s performance is viewed and can be an extremely powerful tool in analyzing performance. According to Foot and Hook. (2005) they state.  ¿Ã‚ ½To have any genuine value or meaningful impact, 360? feedback must be far more than a standalone activity. It should involve managing the individual ¿Ã‚ ½s expectations, aligning questionnaires to competency frameworks, setting goals to integrate the exercise into personal development plans and providing feedback from trained facilitators. The process surrounding the 360? process itself is complex, and how well HR and learning managers plan that process will determine what impact it will have ¿Ã‚ ½ this shows that while 360? feedback is not an easy process to introduce into an organization,  ¿Ã‚ ½it does nevertheless provides a powerful tool that fits well with t he performance management and performance appraisal approach ¿Ã‚ ½ (Foot, M. and Hook, C. 2005) Career Management, managing people is one of the most difficult aspects of organizational management .It means dealing with people who differ physical and psychologically. HR need to always talk with employees to find out what are individual assessments of abilities, interests, career needs and goals or all kinds negative feedback. 1.2 Research Questions 1. What is the relationship between performance appraisal and Employee attitude? 2. What is the attitude of employees towards goal setting? 3. What is the attitude of employees towards agency relations? 4. What is the attitude of employees towards dynamic capability? 5. What is the employee attitude towards relevant resources? 1.3 Research Objective 1. To investigate the relationship between performance Management and employee attitude 2. To investigate the employee attitude towards goal setting 3. To investigate the employee attitude towards Agency relations 4. To investigate the employee attitude towards Dynamic capability 5. To investigate the employee attitude towards Relevant resources 1.4 Problem Statement Many SME ¿Ã‚ ½s in Malaysia are facing numerous problems in the current business world which comprise of the information age, development of the technological factors at a rapid pace and globalisation are some examples, these changes are very rapid and highly unpredictable and the only department which manages this pressure is the HR department and the polices of the department which have equipped themselves to overcome these situations and volatile changes in the business environment and such policies include manpower planning performance plans and development performance plans and frequent appraisal of employees and performance guidance. Many organisations fail at this level which is a major concern, and the organisations which have overcome these obstacle have gone a long way bringing in many revolutionary changes in the business world and HR practices. (Becker et al., 2001; Zairi, 1998). 1.5 Significance of the study SME ¿Ã‚ ½s represent the major group of business organisations in Malaysia based on the Malaysia SME ¿Ã‚ ½s Report (2008) which contributes to a total of 99.2% , which in itself has its own significance and lays emphasis behind conducting this research study . The research paper also aims at establishing the relationship that exists between performance management practices and employee attitude. The purpose of this paper is to establish the relationship between performances 1.6 Research design and research context: The research philosophy which the researcher thinks is suitable is the positivist philosophy of research. The method used will be a survey method with questionnaires with both primary and secondary sources of data. This will include questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. The data analysis technique for the proposed research will be multiple regression analysis to find the relationship between the variables. In terms of the research context, the proposed research is based on Ahsan Ullah and Routray ¿Ã‚ ½s (2007) research employee attitude and performance management in Malaysian SME ¿Ã‚ ½s. The research will be carried in Malaysian SME ¿Ã‚ ½s. The reason for choosing Malaysian SME ¿Ã‚ ½s for this research purpose is largely due to their representation in Malaysian business as claimed by the Malaysian SME ¿Ã‚ ½s Report (2008). 1.7 Structure of Dissertation The dissertation is laid out in five chapters; the first chapter introduces the reader to the concept of Mutual funds and describes the aims and objectives of the study. The actual study begins from chapter two with Review of Literature analyzing the concept of mutual funds and assessing the previous research carried in analysing the mutual fund performance. The contents in the research report can be elaborated briefly as shown under the following headings. Chapter One: Introduction The first chapter of the research study as the name suggests the chapter introduces the study and the major area of focus in the research. The chapters clearly describe the aims and objectives of the study giving the reader glimpse about overall research. It also gives out the scope of the research and spells out the rationale behind the study. Chapter Two: Literature Review This chapter primarily prepares the study for empirical work by looking at evaluations and conclusions drawn on certain theories and concepts to check for similarities and difference made by past writers on similar or related studies. It ¿Ã‚ ½s on this basis, that later stages in the research are developed. In particular, academic journals, websites and textbooks that articulate models and related theories are used as a reference. Chapter Three: Research Methodology The Chapter three reviews a range of research methods and highlights the strength and weakness and also research design discussion. Chapter Four: Research Findings and Analysis Chapter four discusses the main research findings and provides critical evaluation of primary and secondary data ¿Ã‚ ½s about the leadership behaviors in the engineering organization. Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations After careful examination, evaluation, assessment and analysis of data, in this chapter, the study points out how the aims and objectives of the research are met. It points out how the respective objectives are realized and tries to give an answer to the research question. 1.8 Limitations 1. The Research Study will be based only in Malaysian SME ¿Ã‚ ½s in Kuala Lumpur due to time constraint. 2. The research study will be cut short to just the evaluate the relationship between employee attitude and performance management 3. The research study will be carried out in Limited number of organisations only. 1.9 The Research Framework Adapted from James Kagaari (2010)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Insight On Necrophilia,whats T Essay -- essays research papers
Insight on Necrophilia (1999) Â Â Â Â Â The author Barbara Gowdy has succeeded in “We so Seldom Look on Love'; to arouse our curiosity through a romanticized depiction of what most would consider a sin, necrophilia. It is most probable that society in the nineteen fifties influenced the style and choice of characters to explore such delicate and obscure behavior. Barbara Gowdy proved herself to be very clever by opening a passage through the soul of a young woman, in order to humanize the inexplicable lust for dead flesh. What better way to translate imagination in its purest form than through the soul of a young women: “When you die and your earthly self begins turning into your disintegrated self, you radiate an intense current of energy.'; (p. 1) Certainly the author wishes to offer an approach to necrophilia that defies the reader’s expectations. The idea that such a disturbing behaviour can evolve in the heart and body of a girl at such a young age, can alter the reader’s preconception on the necrophiliac’s physical and emotional profile: “Necrophiles aren’t suppose to be blond and pretty, let alone female.'; (p. 4) With this statement, Barbara Gowdy reinforces the contrast of the story versus the judgement of her society in the fifties. When the author decided to explore a controversial matter of sexual nature, such as necrophilia, she made a thoughtful decision by choosing ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Statue of Liberty Ribbon Essays -- Architecture History
Statue of Liberty Ribbon The Statue of Liberty has served as the single most important symbol of the friendship between the two countries and the ideal of democracy since its unveiling on October 28, 1886. At the time it was the tallest structure in America. The statue was originally a gift to the United States. The relationship between the two countries dates back before the United States was an independent country (Kotler p7). The French were one of the first to explore and settle in North America. Louis Jolliet and Jaques Marquette traveled the Mississippi. Renà © Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle explored the Great Lakes and established Louisiana. Frenchmen built outposts on the Gulf of Mexico, founded New Orleans, and colonized New France from Louisiana to northeast Canada. In the War of Independence, the Marquis de Lafayette fought with General George Washington. In its final battle at Yorktown, General Jean Baptiste de Rochambeau led the French navy and a land crew. Without French support a victory may have been impossible. The United States returned these favors during t...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Learning and Development
Introduction With globalization and modernization, education has become a universal right for all, atleast, at the basic level. This has seen many students traversing from country to country in pursuit of education. The introduction of distance learning, technologically mediated learning as well as online courses have made it possible for students from different parts of the world to share classroom. The fact that the teachers largely remain stationed in same countries and are rarely involved in the exchange programs means that teachers are continually under the pressure to instruct students from diverse cultures all with varied English proficiency. Of significance to the teachers is the fact that despite the different proficiency levels of the students in a single classroom, the teachers are expected to effectively teach the students. This has seen the rise of integrated classes whereby learners whose English is not their first language are integrated in the same classrooms as their native English speaking students. Teachers are faced with stumbling blocks and numerous challenges in teaching integrated students. Of all challenges for teachers is the need to provide a free learning environment in which the students can learn without the fear of being incompetent in the English language. The presence of fear in the students who are not proficient in the English language can reduce the ability of the learners something which can make otherwise intelligent students to perform dismally academically. To overcome such barriers, teachers can use the following strategies. According to (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994) there are several research-based strategies to overcome learning barriers for emergent language learners as well as limited English proficient learners. Therefore for optimal learning to take place the following research based strategies are important for English language learning. Use of music and jazz chant activities, use of repeat and rephrase approach, use of cooperative groups and peer coaching, use of visual learning aids such as realia, maps, pictures and the multimedia. Finally pre-instruction activities such as semantic webbing, graphic organizers and KWL charts are all equally important for teachers who are keen on ensuring that English learning benefits all learners inspite of their English proficiency levels. According to (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994) pre-instruction activities are important to English language learning in that they level the playing ground for students who have different English proficiency levels. In a research carried out by (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994) on 15 students with varied English proficiency 80% of the emergent language learners observed that they had significantly benefited from the use of pre-instruction activities such as semantic webbing, graphic organizers and KWL charts. 75% of the students with limited English proficiency recorded satisfaction from the use of pre-instruction activities while 40% of native English speaking students noted that pre-instruction activities played an important role in learning. The study overwhelming supports the use of the pre-instruction activities as a research based English language learning strategy for integrated classes. Teaching Math can be challenging even in class whereby all students are native English speakers. It even becomes hard to teach Math in an integrated class in which English presents a communication barrier. In a class of 30 students whereby only half of students are English speakers with a quarter of the learners being emergent and a further quarter of the class having English proficiency of between Basic Interpersonal Communication (BIC) and Cognitive Academic Language (CALP) presents numerous challenges. The solution to the above is the application of the research-based strategies such as pre-instruction activities. This calls for the teacher to prepare in advance semantic webbing with Math concept for students to learn regardless of their English speaking abilities. According to (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994) the use of semantic webbing greatly increases the ability of the students to grasp Math concepts and formulae. Graphic organizers are also very effective in teaching some Math concepts especially on geometry and algebra topics. Visual aids such as realia, maps, pictures and multimedia are important in teaching integrated classes. As (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994) notes, visual aids are important in that they increase the attention span of learners, they simplify complex and abstract concepts as well as the fact that visual aids lead to efficiency in the synthesis of complex concepts especially in Math class. Visual aids have been particularly important and effective for introduction of new topics in integrated classes whereby students face challenges due to increased anxiety, fear and tension (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000). Use of visual aids calls for carefulness so that the visual aids are not as ambiguous and therefore become a source of obstruction. Visual aids also are advantageous in that they can depict a lot of information at once, which is not possible while using the traditional lecture methods, and are not expensive and are easy to use (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1994). Cooperative groups as well as peer coaching are research-based strategies which involve students forming discussion groups in which they discuss hard topics and concepts during their free time or in the class with the supervision of teachers. Cooperative groups have been found to be very effective in overcoming fear amongst learners and therefore aiding learning (Bowman & McCormick, 2000). Cooperative groups are important when there is a shortage of staff in that teachers can oversee the learning over a big group of students. Usually students are able to understand their peers with learning difficulties than teachers and therefore they are able to assist them and overcome the learning difficulties. According to (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000) cooperative groups presents the teachers with an opportunity to easily assess several outcomes in students such as critical thinking, level as well as communication skills and commitment to learning (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000). Cooperative groups are particularly useful in teaching Math which many students have problems because peer assessment is more welcome by students than teacher assessment and is easily acceptable since it reduces chances of teacher bias (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000).   According to (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000) peer coaching as a research based teaching strategy is effective because it allows for a degree of confidentiality whereby students are not afraid to make mistakes. The expected learning outcome of using cooperative strategy in the classroom is that, learners increase in their capability to grasp hard concepts (Bowman, & McCormick, 2000). In addition, the approach is non-evaluative which is important to students given the fact that students fear evaluations and assessments. Repeat and rephrase has been found to highly increase the retention ability of students (McHugh, Catherine & Kevin, 1997). This is very important for students who are supposed to retain introductory concepts as these develop as the students’ progress to next levels. Therefore, repeat and rephrase are important to an integrated class whereby students whose English proficiency prevents them from progressing at the same level with native English speakers. Music and Jazz chant activities have found to reduce stress levels in learners as well as creating a soothing effect (McHugh, Catherine & Kevin, 1997). Therefore, incorporating music and Jazz chants in a class especially in a Math class can improve learning in that it creates a good environment for learning. The expected learning outcome of using cooperative strategy in the classroom is that, learners increase in their attention span (McHugh, Catherine & Kevin, 1997). Conclusion Research based strategies are a must use for teachers of integrated classes. In order to ensure that, the environment for all students is ideal in spite of their English proficiency levels, teachers must constantly identify challenges and obstacles to learning so as to overcome all the challenges associated with English language learning environment. It is also important that, teachers choose wisely the suitable strategies to teaching integrated learners as not all approaches are suitable for every subject. Reference Bowman, C., and McCormick, S. (2000). Comparison of Peer Coaching versus Traditional Supervision effects. The Journal of educational Research 93 (4). Johnson, D., Johnson, R. and Holubec, E., (1994). The nuts and bolts of corporative learning. Edina MN: Interaction Book Company. McHugh, Catherine, E., & Kevin, W. 1997. Using technology to promote student learning: Opportunities for Today and Tomorrow. Jossey- Publishers.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My Beloved Charioteer Essay
Shashi Deshpande is an award-winning Indian novelist. Shashi Deshpande makes gender central to her writing. In her story â€Å"MY BELOVED CHARIOTEER†she tries to the show the relationships of grandmother, mother and daughter at various stages of life. It is a story of a mother daughter relationship as well as a women’s role as a wife. Mother and daughter relationship is like sisters or sparring partners. They care for each other. My Beloved Charioteer depicts the life of mother’s nature and behavior not as generosity but as a normal human being full of negatives as well as positives, full of emotions as well as frustrations and not a perfect being. My Beloved Charioteer by Shashi Deshpande is based on the three generations, three women i.e. grandmother, mother and daughter and three different mindsets living together. Grandmother being the oldest one and the one who takes care of each and everyone in the house. Mother named Arti the daughter of grandmother a depressed lady as for whom she cared and loved have died. She loved two persons that is her father and her husband has both died. She is now the most irritated person in the house and she spends her most of the time smoking and looking at the walls of her room. She doesn’t talk to anyone neither to her daughter Priti and nor to her mother. She evens scolds priti for no reason .She is so much entangled with the past that her present is neglected. The daughter named priti the youngest and the most energetic character. Her father and grandfather had both died. Her mother doesn’t talk to her. Her caretaker and her best friend in the house is her grandmother (Ajji). When Priti is gone silence settles in the house. The relation between the Arti and Priti is not too good in the story. Arti is depressed, sad, unhappy, and is in pain. She doesn’t do any work, which a mother should do for her daughter and for her aged mother. She doesn’t talk to Priti; play with her however she scolds Priti at times to show her anger, outrage and displeasure. Because of her nature grandmother Ajji have to take care of Priti, she acts like her mother. She wakes her, she dresses her for school, make breakfast for her. It is shocking to see that at this age also Ajji does all the work and she even doesn’t complain. The relationship of Arti and Priti is not good whereas the relationship between Ajji and Priti is good. Ajji once insist Arti to go out of house like park whereas in reply she says that seeing other people happy she wanted to kill and bury their happiness. This shows one of the natures of depressed lady. Ironically Ajji’s husband’s room offers her the opportunity to find her voice, rebel against her daughter and break the silence that threatens to destroy her home and her granddaughter. The photo frame that was broken accidently by Arti gave a chance, which helped Ajji to talk to her and to explain her that what gone is gone. Ajji is also holding the pain of her husband but on the other hand she is managing and not running from her problems and fears. Priti has a daughter and she need to take care of her. Ajji also says that she does not want to ever see the photograph again as it is no point of seeing things which gives pain and discomfort. Arti needs to be happy at which she got rather than things, which she doesn’t have. Hence through this story Shashi Deshpande elegantly brings out the mother/daughter relationship on different stages and aspects of life.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
My Sociology Paper Essay
Today’s generation is equipped with highly advanced and sophisticated technology that are very useful in many ways particularly in keeping and obtaining information. The internet serves not only as stock files of information but also for commercial advertisement, and for publication of all sorts of both scholarly and worthless articles as well as biased and non-biased piece of writings. This sort of complexity however, gives as a wide range of option and choices as to what one intends to do. For those who seek quality information scholarly and journal articles provides a strong references. The only thing that needs to do is evaluate the source whether its content are scholarly. In view of these, this paper will attempt to evaluate the articles listed above whether they are biased or non-biased sources by discussing the main issues raised by these sources. At the end the paper will conclude whether these sources are biased or not, based on the careful analysis of the content of each of these articles. Discussion of the articles In the first article, the main issue is the mandatory minimum sentence imposed on persons convicted of possessing half a kilogram of cocaine powder or more to at least five years imprisonment. The authors cited that this mandatory minimum have a strong bipartisan support from elected representatives and even from presidential candidates. While there are pros and cons in this issue, in view of the authors the mandatory minimum sentence can be viewed as means of attaining the country’s drug control objectives (Caulkins, J. P. ; Rydell, P. ; Schwabe, W. L. ; & Chiesa, J. 1997, par. 3). Controlling drug use in the country could be a welcome objective as often times; guns and violence are linked with drug use. According to Scott Newark in his article entitled â€Å"The 2006 Crime Stats Analysis- Time for the Truth†drugs like cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth are astoundingly 21% up over the past five years (Newark, par. 17). While the authors discussed and considered other available alternatives on easing drug problems, their opinion were focused on reducing drug consumption rather than its impact on the society. Thus, they put more emphasis on treating heavy users than on the criminal offenses associated with the use of illegal drugs. The Second Article, written by Steven Levitt, primarily deals with the decline of crimes in America. Levitt pointed out that while most experts are predicting an explosion of crime during the early and middle of the 1990s, crime rates plunged precisely at this expected period and authorities were not anticipating it to happen. Levitt refused to attribute this decline to the popular perceptions like increased imprisonment, tougher gun control laws, strong economy, and so forth. Levitt was not surprised by this turn of events rather he questioned why the decline of criminality did not happen earlier. (p. 164). According to Levitt, what is remarkable with the decline of crimes in the USA during this period was it magnitude from the 1950 to 2001. Of all the criminal offenses, Levitt identified homicide as the most serious crime that had experienced the biggest drop between 1991 and 2000, from 9. 8 to 5. 5 or a drop of forty-four percent. While Levitt focus in his article was to identify the real causes of the decline of criminal offenses in the US during the period from 1991 to 2001, he seemed to have to fail to categorically identify the real causes of such decline. Instead he shifted his emphasis on the remarkable aspect of this decline. He noted that this decline appeared unusual compared with other countries in the world, in which most of the most common criminal offenses such as homicide, robbery, and burglary experienced sharp decline from 1991 to 2000. The author also discussed the universality of this drop in crime citing decline in each subgroups for all crime categories (p. 167). However, at the end of the article, the author recognizes six factors namely, the strong economy, the changing demographics, better policing strategies, gun control laws, laws allowing the carrying of cancelled weapons, and increased of capital punishment that according to Levitt, played little or no role in the crime drop. He also acknowledge the four factors that explained the decline of crime such as the increase in number of police, the rising prison population, the receding crack epidemic and the legalization of abortion. The last article, by Scott Newark, deals with crime statistics which was accordingly â€Å"disappointing without critical analysis by the media†(par. 3). Contrary to the article by Steven Levitt, Newark’s Crime Stat Analysis reveals the other side of police records of criminal offenses. While Newark was talking of the crime rates in Canada, he noted indirectly that recorded crimes are only the most serious ones suggesting that there are more crimes unreported, aside from those that were not recorded by the statistic gatherer. This means that Levitt’s account of crime drop in the United States is clouded with doubts, indeed, according to the United States Crime Rates 1960-2007, in 2000 United States was ranked as â€Å"22nd having highest Criminal Index†(United States Crime Rates). From the way it looks, Newark’s article was a fair assessment of the reality of criminal offenses and offenders. He emphasized that it is unrealistic to spend billions of dollars with the rehabilitation of serious offenders who when released, will commit the same crime again. Conclusion The three articles discussed in this paper provided basic ideas about criminal offenses. Although the paper did not give a clear stand in each of the articles discussed, it leaves the paper a debatable issue regarding the seemingly contradicting views between the reality of crimes and offenses in Canada and the United States as revealed by Levitt and Newark respectively. However, while the three authors have different views and emphasized on different aspects of criminal offenses, it was clear that their common objective is to shed light on issues that they deemed needed to be pointed out to the public. Quality of Sources The first article entitled Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences: Throwing Away the Key or the Taxpayers’ Money by Jonathan P. Caulkins, C. Peter Rydell. William L. Schwabe and James Chiesa, was biased in the sense that the authors appeared to one sided in their opinion. They seemed to focus merely on reducing drug consumption without giving due consideration to the implication of drug related offenses. This seemed to promote sympathy of the heavy user, rather on the consequence of violating the law. This is quite tantamount to tolerating the use of illegal drugs and then rehabilitates the users later on. The second article, Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Deadline and Six that Do not by Steven Levitt is not biased article in view of its critical and balanced presentation of facts and evidences. Although The article appeared surprising given the sharp decline of crimes in the US amidst the proliferation drugs in the inner cities of America as cited in an internet article entitled â€Å"Operation SOS. †The article noted the proliferation of drugs in the city causing violent crimes in the neighborhood (Operation SOS) yet the author was able to shed lights on all sides affecting the issues being discussed. The third article The 2006 Crime Stats Analysis-Time for the Truth by Scott Newark is also not biased article on the ground that this source was a realistic point of view. With out pretense, the author reveals the other side of the crime statistics release by law enforcers which in view of the author, is often selective and statistic gatherer are watering down their statistics to include only the most serious offense. The source is not bias because the writer was very objective and open minded in perception of the realities behind the law enforcements records of criminal offenses. References Caulkins, J. ; Rydell, P. ; Schwabe, W. L. & Chiesa, J. Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences: Throwing Away the Key or the Taxpayers Moneyhttp://www. fathom. com/media/PDF/2172_ss. pdf Levitt, S. (2004) â€Å"Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Deadline and Six that Do not†Journal Of Economic Perspectivesâ€â€Vlume 18,Number1http://pricetheory.uchicago. edu/levitt/Papers/LevittUnderstandingWhyCrime2004. pdf Newark, S. The 2006 Crime Stat Analysis- Time for the Truth Prime Time Crime July 23, 2007http://www. primetimecrime. com/contributing/2007/20070723newark. htm United States Crime rates 1960 – 200 http://www. disastercenter. com/crime/uscrime. htm â€Å"The Operation SOS†Division of Citizen Services City of Buffalo 2001- 2008http://www. ci. buffalo. ny. us/Home/City_Departments/Special_Programs_and_Agencies/Save_Our_Streets/OperationSOS
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